Part one

06/09/2024 – 02/11/2024

Considered one of the most important artists of the 20th century, but also one of the most misunderstood, Leonor Fini has recently been the subject of a passionate reappraisal. Her paintings break auction records as they are increasingly finding their way into major museums. From September 5th 2024, Galerie Minsky will be celebrating this important step in the history of her art appreciation through three exhibitions curated by Richard Overstreet, the artist’s successor. At the same time, we will take part in the “Surrealism” exhibition at the Centre Pompidou by lending works by Leonor Fini. 
The first of our three upcoming exhibitions will consist of a solo show of Leonor Fini, featuring masterpieces from the 1920s to the 1990s. Two rare self-portraits from the 1940s and 1950s will be presented to the public, along with enigmatic pieces (Nebbia, 1982) challenging our perception of the artist’s vast body of work.



« Leonor Fini, pinceau dans l’inconnu »


« Une éblouissante rétrospective »


« L’un des plus beaux accrochages de cet hommage parisien au surréalisme »


« La galerie Minsky dédie trois expositions à Leonor Fini »


« Le chemin des rêves de Leonor Fini »


« A retrospective exhibition of the artist’s work at Galerie Minsky  »