Tsakali Anna-Maria

We enter as if by magic into the pictorial work of Anna Maria Tsakali, then the charm becomes a spell until we can see the leaf tremble, the flower vibrate, feel its perfumed breath.

Even waiting to see the insect appear, which will land and forage with intoxication on the colors of the canvas, or to see the Alice in Wonderland rabbit running from flower to flower!

The artist transports us to the imagination of a moving floral world caught in his brushes and free to escape from the work to curl up with curiosity around us, the spectators. Then we will let ourselves be penetrated by the sensation of being vegetal ourselves, like this naked body asleep in a bed of seaweed on a beach … “I start with chance …” she said.

By these happy coincidences and in the sensitive writing of her large format compositions, Anna Maria tells us about her quest for beauty.

His works bring us back to the miracle of life on earth, to the overwhelming beauty of the blade of grass in the flower. Here on the shore, the vegetation crystallizes until it becomes rock.

Blue-purple thistles soar towards the light. There, in a sweep of silvery gray and black, a heap of twigs and flowers against a background of pearly sky. Giant gladioli seem to pierce a concrete earth.

We are in harmony with the artist’s mysterious world, which vibrates in a palette of grays, yellow, deep green and red, soft blue, luminous, intense black. Tempera allows this delicacy in tones and lightness in shape.

An inextricable tangle of rhododendrons magically reveals 2 anthuriums in their blood-red dress against a background of blue space. Their spadix erected, turned towards us, spectators, in a sensual elegance.

At the bend of the picture rails one is suddenly dazzled by an anthology of imaginary flowers and chosen flowers. Unlike the gushes of a free, abundant and fruitful nature, these flowers are captive flowers arranged in a bouquet, much like an offering.

The exhibition of Anna Maria’s works invites us to take a deep breath of fresh air. She reminds us that plants have a language, that they communicate with each other, that they heal and that they are essential to us.

“It is a sad thing to think that nature speaks and that mankind does not listen” (Victor Hugo)

Through her painting, Anna Maria Tsakali transmits to us the poetic vibrations of what she perceives from the song of the plant.

Barbara Doré-Pons


150X100cm.Nocturne, 2017;

Nocturne, 2017
Tempura and acrylic on canvas
150 x 100 cm

150X100cm Les orties, 2017

Les Orties, 2017
Tempura and acrylic on canvas
150 x 100 cm

150X100cm Echo de lumière, 2017

Echo de Lumières, 2017
Tempura and acrylic on canvas
150 x 100 cm

200X147cm Fleurs rouges, 2016-2017.

Fleurs Rouges, 2016 – 2017
Tempura and acrylic on canvas
200 x 147 cm

200X160cm L'aube I, 2016

L’Aube I, 2016
Tempura and acrylic on canvas
200 x 160 cm

200X160cm L'aube II, 2016-2017

L’Aube II, 2016-2017
Tempura and acrylic on canvas
200 x 160 cm

120X80cm dessin III, 2013

Dessins III, 2013
Tempura and acrylic on canvas
120 x 80 cm

120X120cm Fleur blanche, 2011-2017

Fleur Blanche, 2017 – 2011
Tempura and acrylic on canvas
120 x 120 cm

147X150cm La cachette, 2016-2017

La Cachette, 2016  – 2017
Tempura and acrylic on canvas
147 x 150 cm